It’s official: I'm hooked on papayas!

Papayas have never been a fave fruit of mine until I started blending them.
Yes, I know they are is rich in enzymes called papain and chymopapain which helps with digestion, particularly it breaks down the proteins from the food we eat into amino acids. Even latest research shows that amino acids are responsible for all what is happening in our organism, basically for what is happening in every chemical reaction as well as our mental and physical health.

What's I find particularly amazing is all the parts of the papaya fruit are useful and beneficial. Right from the seeds to the papaya leaves and the flesh of the fruit, all of it has some value. Both the inside and the outside of the fruit can be utilized .Thus no part of the fruit is useless or goes as a waste.

Yet, all along I just ate papaya's cause I know they are god for you. Until, one day I decided to include it in a smoothie. Now, I just love it! It is great because along with savouring the taste you are also ingesting all the benefits associated with eating the fruit, which will result in good health for you ! Did you know papaya even works magic on strengthening the immune system preventing the recurrent colds and flu?

So anyway, the recipe; 
Green Papaya Smoothie

2 handfuls of fresh spinach
2 cups frozen papaya
2 ripe Julie mangoes, sliced.
1 frozen apple
3 dates
2 Tbsp chia seeds, ground.
1 tablespoon of fresh papaya seeds
3 cups living water (or young coconut water and meat)
1 tsp coconut oil (optional)

Method: Wash and blend all ingredients. Place in a bowl and add items below.

Smoothie dressing;
I used organic sweet peppers, sliced.
Sprouted beans
Celery leaves
Vervain flowers.

Happy Raw Eating!

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  1. Oh my, sounds and look simply delicious! Def, go try this soon and let you know.

    1. Namaste Anna,
      When you do try it come back and let us know if you would eat it again or not.
