Find the balance that’s right for you.

Do you sometimes wonder whether your life is in balance? It is easy to know if you lead a balanced life because if you do then:

- you enjoy every moment and every second,
- you can cope with any difficulties,
- you can be happy without any reason to be happy,
- you can be yourself and love the person you are.

Today the world constantly tries to throw you out of balance, point in case; It sometimes is very unnerving realizing that some local small business owners, as we'll call them, actually sit and scan the way I market my business on facebook and see no wrong with copying my marketing tactics and strategies. If I can borrow Mike's quote  but adapt it to me ' everyone wants to be like Leigh'.  What ever happened to following your OWN path? Creating your OWN strategies? Then I remind myself, that it's pretty simple... they do not know how to believe in their own-self. Giving your dreams the wings to fly is something that's very difficult for alot of people to do yet alone understand. Thankfully, through my spiritual lifestyle I have learnt to cope with such difficulties by simply living a balanced lifestyle.
“There is no secret to balance. You just have to feel the waves.” – Frank Herbert

To start, what does it mean to be balanced?

To me, it means that you have a handle on the the various elements in your life and don’t feel that your heart or mind are being pulled too hard in any direction. More often than not, you feel calm, grounded, clear-headed, and motivated. Balanced living might seem like one of those theoretical terms that nobody can put into practice but in fact there is nothing simpler than living a balanced life.

It might take some work at first but once you get in the flow and discover the simple ways to steer your life in your desired direction you will feel empowered. You will be inspired and energized by every day of your life. Your life will be full of amazing adventures and events that will make every day memorable. You won’t be wasting your life any more or spending gloomy hours contemplating about the misfortunes that might have happened on your way.

Does balanced living mean that your life will be full of only positive people and events that will bring you happiness every moment of your life? Not at all.

Balanced living is when you can always offset any negative events in your life with positive ones. It is also when you can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Balanced living is when you are happy working and playing equally. If you picture happiness and everything great in your life as a diamond, then any negative things that may happen are just the setting that makes this diamond shine only brighter.

Finding balance is one of life's great goals, but it can be as elusive as it is desirable. Change your approach and its true nature will emerge.

Myth: A balanced person is good at everything.
Truth: Balance requires prioritizing.

I recently realized this  "superwoman syndrome" I had, where the idea that I should be able to fill all needs, including my own, all the time started to get me out of sync. This is where the 80/20 rule came in. This established business principle posits that, by and large, roughly 80 percent of results come from 20 percent or fewer of the causes.

Think about what is most important for you to accomplish, and why. How can you make the most of your talent and energy in order to reach your goals? What is the benefit of focusing on these few things? Does it give you more time with your family, open up more opportunities, provide additional income? Weigh in with yourself about each action you want to take and why; that way you will be less likely to spread yourself too thin and sabotage your best efforts.

Don’t try to be anyone else. Make a conscious decision each day to just be you, and to make no apologies for that. Find comfort in the fact that it’s okay and even ideal to not fit into someone else’s idea of what’s right: the right work, the right work/life balance, the right feelings, the right way to live.

Focus your energy on determining what’s right for you. It can feel easy to simply go with the flow. But when you discover ways to live your life that fully align with what is in your heart, the reward of balance is unparalleled.

I end my post today with a quote by  Dr. Seuss that I always love..
“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.” 
such simple words yet it means so much. Namaste!

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  1. Gosh leigh, I know exactly what your speaking of with those damn copycats (i call them) I make cupcakes locally, and its such a bother to see others on facebook, that out right steal my concepts as there own. they have no damn morals or ethics at all. sad sad sad. I wish I could be more like you in dealing with those challenges so easy like you do unfortunately im not. im hot tempered. badly. lol

    1. Namaste Anonymous,
      Thank you for your comment. Life itself is a series of challenges, whether large or small. I don't want you think I don't get upset or irritable. Cause that's not true, I am human after all, but remember I said to attain a balanced life is when you can always offset any negative events in your life with positive ones. When you sense that your balance is slipping. Put those moments in perspective. The mistake we often make is accepting our imbalances as part of who we are -- giving up instead of trying to recover balance.

      One easy way for me to recover my balance is through Yoga and breathing techniques such as Sudarshan Kriya. where the breathing channels prana or life force to different parts of my body and this in turn have a positive effect on my three Doshas, bringing balance to my system. Sudarshan Kriya incorporates specific natural rhythms of the breath which harmonize the body, mind and emotions. This unique breathing technique eliminates stress, fatigue and negative emotions such as anger, frustration and depression, leaving you calm yet energized, focused yet relaxed.

  2. I too think its a problem, maybe the government can get involved and teach small business people about marketing. Offer the program FREE that way many can sign up and LEARN.

  3. Anna, while that maybe a good idea I think teaching the concept of simply thinking for ones self will help a great deal. This particular post is very true, I can attest to this on all levels. Everytime I log into fb and see others using something as simple as words i use to advertise my products i get pissed. Cause I sit for hours on end trying to come up with innovative ways/words to describe my products, then to see someone else capture it up.

    I am by no means saying i am the first in the world to use certain sentences or phrases to advertise my said product. But when deciding which words to put together or which concept to use, i always spend time looking at other 'competitors' to see what they are doing or saying so i could ensure not to do or say the same thing. So of course after doing my homework per se, then realizing one of my competitor literally took those words from my marketing material.. it really amazes me.

    But like 'anonymous' said i am also hot tempered, i get angry to a point that a little again you will see steam releasing from my nose.

    1. Girl, thats true eh.
      thinking about it now, that concept needs to taught also. But how can one teach someone to think for themselves? I dont know nah. I think half of trinidad just too damn lazy.

      I would have never thought that there would be a connection to that and living a balanced lifestyle tho. but it all makes sense. I need to jump on this balanced lifestyle train yes. Cause leigh sure does deal with it with kind and subtle words.

    2. Very true Anna lol.

      I just think if I could spend time brain storming over how i should go about advertising, that others can do the same too. It's one thing to be considered a leader among your competition but its other different ball game when they literally steal your ideas, words and sometimes, they even try to follow suit with you life. Pretty soon after you hear them saying almost the same things like you.... where they got their training (very close to how you attained yours), or, how did they continue learning (again, its always close to how the LEADER attained theirs). And having the power over your life so much that you have a plan of attaining a balanced lifestyle is simply amazing. This post is beautiful.

  4. I love 'anonymous' response! I laughing so hard here! lol

    1. Namaste Sally, thank you for your comment.

  5. I'm a psychologist by profession, and what I have come to the realization is people who don't think for themselves are often scared of disagreeing with others, and scared of "rocking the boat". A freethinker, (Leigh, in this case) on the other hand, bases their self worth on something other than what people think of them.

    Leigh, I would love to hear your perspective on my comment.

    1. Think you hit the nail on the head there Cynthia. Love your analysis.

    2. Namaste Cynthia,

      I got to agree with you. I do not under any circumstance base my self worth on what people think of me. Guess that's why I'm always speaking my mind huh :)

      'Be yourself' 'define who you are' 'find the true you'...these I always speak of. It's quite possibly some of the most commonly used phrase you will hear in my advice to anyone.

      Oscar Wilde once said with his usual wit: Be yourself; everyone else is already taken. As humorous as this might seem, it's a basic summation of the truth. Yet, you can't be yourself if you don't know, understand, and accept yourself first. It should be everyone's primary goal to find this out.

      I have stopped caring about how people perceive me along time ago. I understand, some of them will like me and some of them won't. cause It's next-to-impossible to be yourself when you're caught up in constantly wondering "Do they think I'm funny? Does she think I'm fat? Do they think I'm stupid? Am I good/clever/popular enough to be a part of their group of friends?" To be yourself, you've got to let go of these concerns and just let your behaviour flow, with only your consideration of others as a filter — not their consideration of you.

      Being a people-pleaser or always wanting everyone's love and respect is a totally pointless exercise in the end that can harm one's personal development and confidence. Who cares what other people say? As Eleanor Roosevelt said once, "no one can make you feel inferior without your consent" and what matters most is that you listen to your own inner confidence and if it's missing, that you start developing it!

  6. i LOVE THIS POST! But what stands out to me the most is in the comments, I realize 'I' am not alone in this fight. I somehow used to think that I was selfish when I felt saddened by what others who call themselves 'friends' or even acquaintance in my industry copy my advertising methods. I thought I was wrong for feeling that way, but now I know there isnt anything wrong with me to feel that way, now i need to just learn how to challenge my energy.

    Thank you Leigh.

    1. Raisah,

      Yes, learning to channel your energies and harmonizing your body, mind and emotions will help a great deal.

      try it.. come back in a few weeks let us know.

  7. Wowzer! I sure did hit a nerve with this post huh! lol

    Thank you to everyone for taking the time to comment It is very much appreciated. I will attempt to respond to everyone individually. Namaste!
